The News:
The Marimba Lumina Gold can be seen prominently on the stage during this years Tool shows as part of Danny Carey's setup. It looks great and Danny is sounding great.
The Marimba Lumina 3.5 can be seen behind Jon Fishman of Phish as well. Trey Anastasio has been known wander over and play it enough that people actually petitioned that he play it less!
Marimba Lumina 3.5's can still be ordered!
There is one original model 3.5 currently in stock at a reduced priece. (All new models will come with the quicksilver adapter already installed.) QUICKSILVER UPGRADES FOR EXISTING OLD MARIMBA LUMINAS ARE STILL AVAILABLE. (See the" Quicksilver upgrade" page.)
To guarantee your place in line, you may put down a fully-refundable 50% deposit toward another build of a Marimba Lumina 3.5.
Marimba Lumina 2.5's are not currently in production or in-stock. Future plans for the 2.5 are being considered though.
My mentor and the primary designer of the Marimba Lumina passed away on Sept 14th, 2016 at the age of 79. But the Marimba Lumina is very much alive. (See the "About" page for more info about Don and the history of the Marimba Lumina and donbuchla.com for memorial links.)
New videos are uploaded with Lumina performance/demo examples on www.youtube.com/user/jjdavel
Marimba Lumina 3.5's updated pricing of $4900 includes the CPU upgrade, memory card, set of 4 mallets and newer power supply.
A second set of mallets are $350 per set or $95 each when purchased individually.
Shipping is cost plus $50 handling. Instruments may also be picked up directly in Northern California. (Instruments must be paid for before shipping. Financing is not available.)
One free lesson on the Lumina is provided with Lumina purchase in person or via Skype.
Who can service my Marimba Lumina?
Joel has successfully serviced every Marimba Lumina or Marimba Lumina mallet he has seen. For many years Joel was the right-hand technician for Don Buchla on repairs and assembly for his controllers. For service or for new instruments contact joel (at) absolutedeviation.com
where is the marimba lumina being played?
You can follow Jon Fishman of Phish who has been touring with a Marimba Lumina from Absolute Deviation.
Prominent players include Joel Davel, himself. You can follow Joel on Facebook or see his performance schedule
Joel has traveled around the U.S, Australia. and to Russia with his Marimba Lumina.
Lukas Ligeti performs solos and tours with his group Burkina Electric. Lukas has traveled throughout Africa with his Marimba Lumina.